Sistem Keamanan Komputer

1Apa.yang dimaksud SI, jelaskan dan berikan contoh model dalam aplikasi dunia Usaha?
System informasi dibedakan menjadi 2 yaitu, system informasi manual dan system infomasi berbasis computer(CBIS)
Menurut Turban, McLean, dan Wetherber (1999) Sistem informasi adalah sebuah system informasi memgumpulkan,memproses, menyimpan,menganalisis, dan menyebarkan informasi untuk tujuan yang spesifik.
Menurut Wilkinson (1992) Sistem infomasi adalah kerangka kerja yang mengkoordinasikan sumber daya (manusia dan komputer) untuk mengubah masukan(input)menjadi keluaran(informasi), guna mencapai sasaran-sasaran perusahaan.
Jadi system informasi itu adalah hal untuk mempermudah user untuk mendapatkan infomasi.

Contoh system informasi
- system reservasi pesawat terbang
- system untuk menangani penjualan kredit kendaraan bermotor
- system biomerik
- system berbasis kartu cerdas(smart card)

2. Jelaskan maksud dari CBIS, apa manfaat dan tujuan CBIS bagi perusahaan!

CBIS adalah merupakan system pengolahan suatu data menjadi sebuah informasi yang berkualitas dan dapat dipergunakan sebagai alat bantu yang mendukung pengambilan keputusan, koordinasi dan kendali serta visualisasi dan analisis. CBIS = Hardware + Software + People + Procedure + Information
Manfaat dan tujuan CBIS Perusahaan yaitu mempermudah user.

3. Terdapat beberapa Metodologi Pengembangan Sistem, jelaskan kekurangan dan kelebihan dari metodologi yang ada!

a. Model sekuensial (pressman)(classic life cycle/waterfall model(dewitz)),terdiri dari tahapan perencanaan system(rekayasa sistem), analisis kebutuhan, desain, penulisan program, pengujian dan perawatan system
- kekurangan
- kelebihan
b. Model prototype (prototiyping model), dimulai dengan pengumpilan dan perbaikan, desain cepat, pembentukan prototype, evaluasi pelanggan terhadap prototype, perbaikan prototype dan produk akhir.
- kekurangan
- kelebihan
c. Rapid Application Development (RAD) model, dengan kegiatan dimulai pemodelan bisnis, pemodelan data, pemodelan proses, pembangkitan aplikasi dan pengujian.
- kekurangan
- kelebihan
d. Model evolusioner yang dapat berupa model incrementalmerupakan gabungan model sekuensial linier dengan prototyping(mis perngkat lunak pengolah kata dengan berbagai versi). Sedangkan model spiral menekan adanya analisis resiko. Jika analisis resiko menunjukkan ada kepastian terhadap kebutuhan, maka pengembangan system dapat dihentikan.
- kekurangan
- kelebihan
e. Teknik generasi ke-empat(4GL), dimulai dengan pengumpulan kebutuhan, strategi perancangan, implementasi menggunakan 4GL dan pengujian.
- kekurangan
- kelebihan

4. Mengapa dibutuhkan analisis dalam pengembangan suatu sistem, jelaskan dan sebutkan macam analisis yang dilakukan?

Analisis dan perancangan system informasi merupakan bagian atau tahapan pengembangan sistam. Tahapan-tahapan pengembangan system informasi berhubungan dengan yang lain untuk membentuk suatu siklus.

Macam-macam analisis system:
- Analisis kelayakan
Analisis kelayakan merupakan proses yang mempelajari atau menganalisis pemasalahan yang telah ditentukan sesyai dengan tujuan akhir yang ajan dicapai. Analisis kelayakan digunakan untuk menentukan kemungkinan keberhasilan solusi yang diusulakan. Tahapan ini berguna untuk memastikan bahwa solusi yang diusulkan tersebut benar-benar dapat tercapai dengan sumber daya dengan memperhatikan kendala yang terdapat pada permasalahan serta dampak terhadap lingkungan sekeliling. Lima macam kelayakan dalam merancang system informasi yaitu keleyakan teknik, kelayakan ekonomi, kelayakan operasi, kelayakan hokum dan kelayakan jadwal.
- Analisis kebutuhan
Analisis kebutuhan merupakan proses untuk menghasilkan spesifikasi kebutuhan. Spesifikasi kebutuhan adalah spesifikasi yang dirinci tentang pengolahan data yaitu jumlah data yang harus diproses, waktu pengolahan saat data siap diproses sampai informasi yang dihasilakan. Spesifikasi ini digunakan untuk membuat kesepakatan dalam pengembangan system.

5. Perangkat apa saja yang digunakan dalam Network System, dan gambarkan satu model/bentuk sistem jaringan?

Kabel atau perangkat Wi-Fi, Ethernet card, hub atau switch, repeater, bridge, atau router.

Bentuk system jaringan MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)

6. Peralatan apa saja yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem, jelaskan beserta contoh?

o Aplikasi pembuat sistem: sistem informasi berbasis web dengan macromedia dreamweaver.
o Peralatan pendukung sistem: bar code
o Design interface dll: komputer
7. Jelaskan maksud dari kebutuhan – kebutuhan (Fungsional dan Non Fungsional) dalam Pengembangan Sistem Informasi!

Kebutuhan Fungsional adalah jenis kebutuhan yang berisi proses-proses apa saja yang nantinya dilakukan oleh system, kebutuhan fungsional juga berisi informasi-informasi apa saja yang harus ada dan dihasilkan oleh system.

Kebutuhan non fungsional adalah kebutuhan yang berisi properti perilakuyang dimiliki oleh system.

8. Bagaimana menjelaskan tentang sistem keamanan komputer dan jaringan?

Sistem Keamanan computer dan jaringan mempunyai maksud mengkontrol yang dipasang untuk meningkatkan kinerja system, meencegah atau mendeteksi kesalahan system, menjamain keamanan data, informasi dan persyaratan.

9. Berikan penjabaran dan contoh model perancangan DBMS, lengkapi dengan gambar!

DBMS adalah Perangkat lunak yang menyediakan akses terhadap database, DBMS memungkinkan sebuah organisasi untuk menyimpan data dalam satu lokasi dan data tersebut dapat diperbaharui dan dapat diambil kembali serta meenyediakan akses terhadap data yang disimpan dengan berbagai program aplikasi.

10.Buat Prototype pengembangan Sistem Presensi Amikom 
   isilah prototype yang anda ketahui


2010 high school national exam practice

Reading Section
Text 1
Save the Cats
Many of the wildcat species in the world today face possible extinction. What
is worse is that the cause of depletion has not been a natural one. It is man who has
been responsible, knowingly or not, for the plight of these wild animals. Yet, the only
hope of saving them lies in man himself.
Through the years, the wildcat species have been cruelly hunted. Today in
China and the Far East there is still a market for not only the fur skins but also the
organs and bones of the tiger and leopard. Ironically, one of the main uses of this
body parts is in producing medicines which are said to help men promote long life
and vitality.
As the population of humans grows, communities are built and extended into
the natural habitat of the wild cats. Forests are cleared and the feeding grounds of
many of the wild cats’ natural prey are destroyed. As a result, in many of these areas,
wild cats are forced to become predators of domestic animals. In these cases, they are
labelled as a danger to man.
Man has to be more responsible for these wild cats’ future. Many governments
and organizations can show more support by banning the hunting and killing of the
world’s endangered cat species. More conservation programs and wildlife reserves
should also be set up to help preserve these species.
(Adapted from Primary Essentials 6)

1. When do many of the wildcat species face possible extinction?
a. Through the years
b. Long time ago
c. A few years ago
d. Years latter
e. In the modern age

2. Why has the decrease of many wildcat species today ‘not a natural one’?
a. The cause of their decrease has been man-made.
. b. The cause of depletion has not been a natural one.
c. The cause of their decrease has not been a natural one.
d. The cause of their decrease has not been man-made.
e. The cause is many people hunt them cruelly.

3. What are the two uses the wild cats being hunted for?
a. Wild cats are hunted for their fur and medicinal uses.
b. Wild cats are hunted for their fur skins and the organs.
c. Wild cats are hunted for their fur skins and bones.
d. Wild cats are hunted for their bones and the organs.
e. Wild cats are hunted for their the organs and medicine.

4. What does the word ‘vitality’ mean?
a. Safety
b. Health
c. Strength
d. Main
e. Chief

5. What is the communicative purpose of this text?
a. To entertain the readers with the wildcat story
b. To tell the readers about the life of wildcats
c. To teach the readers how to hunt the wildcats
d. To ask the readers to be more responsible for the wildcats’ future
e. To tell the readers the use of hunting wildca

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english funny stories

The story sounds familiar Indonesian we read now, how the story funny English? hhmm nie difference if that does not speak English get ready google translet heheh .. especially for those who are good at English or are learning English this funny story might be useful:

Why Are Long Names Red Indian?

A little Red Indian boy asked his father, the big chief and witch
doctor of the tribe, "Papa, why is it that We always have long names,
while the white men have shorter names - Bill, Tex or Sam, for example? "

His father replied, "Look, son, our names Represent a symbol, a sign,
or a poem for our culture - not like the white men,
WHO repeat Their names from generation to generation. Also, it is part of
our makeup That in spite of everything, We survived.

For example, your sister's name is Small Romantic Moon Over The Lake,
Because on the night she was born, there was a beautiful moon reflected
in the lake.

Then there's your brother, Big White Horse of the Prairies, Because he
was born on a day That the big white horse gallops over the prairies WHO
of the world appeared near our camp and is a symbol of our capacity to
live and the life force of our people.
It's very simple and easy to understand.

Do you have any other questions, Little Broken Condom Made in China? "
You are interested in funny stories and other English language? make a comment below, then we will add a collection of humorous stories in English again.

source :

write a letter of parental consent to the english teacher

your body suddenly fever this morning, no way you can go to school. immediately ask your mother or father parental permission to write a letter to your English teacher

December 11, 2011
Dear …..,
From ….. until …. ( April), (Nama anda) was very ill at home in bed. She was suffering from flu and severe fever (atau penyakit lain). I think it might have been going around her class as some of her friends also suffered – and hence was not able to attend school on these days.
(Nama anda) is very conscientious and feels concerned that she has missed eight important days of the course. I would appreciate it if you are able to let her know what she has missed and give her some work to enable her to catch up with missed assignments at home, to prevent her from falling behind.
If you have any concerns, you can contact me, Mother, on (no telp mama anda), or email me at ….
Mr and Mrs ….., mother and father of (nama anda)

poetry you the owner of this liver

Wherever you fill my heart
Recesses of my soul in every shade
I want to hug your body closely
And no longer I took off my
In order for you to be mine forever
Became empress of my love
What makes me miss pobud
If long time no see paras cantikmu
Love is now only banality engakau
suffered makes me happy
if you feel it and hugged him
I promise you faithfully lively as a dead
because only You are the hearts that there pobud


Fly-half dies

Days turned into months
Month-year change
Sometime later I can not stand
Will miss the suspended

I wanted to meet with you dear
Releasing a deep longing
I've had enough to hold this longing
Become increasingly large

Did you miss your sense of this body
Want to kiss your brow
Hug your body
And whisper in your ear the word longing

I will wait for your loyal pobud
Faithful become your life partner
I'll keep this sacred love and I do not hurt
For only you who I loved in this world


The position of favor in the Bathroom ML

Position delicious sex in the Bathroom. Event to make love or making love would seem boring when done in a place that's all. When this condition is experienced, it needs a new spot to explore the intimate activities you and your spouse or partner's body language to understand each other saatt tempting. One of the most interesting space to support these activities is bathrooms.
Of all the rooms in the house, the bathroom is one of the most tempting location to enjoy sex. Of course, the role of a bathroom can be more than just a room that is used to clean themselves, but also can be enjoyed for sexual activity.


There are many ways to make couples crazy about your hot action, but this will be more so if you have the creativity is quite unique.

Well, for action to make love you both the smoldering, AskMen ternikmatdescribes several sex positions to enjoy sex in the bathroom . Among them:

Toilet rider

In this position, you can start by closing the toilet seat. You can take a position with a sit back on it, while the couple put their position on top of your body. This time, turn to the woman who played an active role to complete one session of lovemaking.

In this position, the pair could be back to you with a smooth back. You can also kiss with great tenderness. If you want to remain hot, make sure your body in a position facing each other. Perhaps, in this way be regarded majur to reach the peak of orgasm.

Doggy style

Doggy style is one of the favorite position of women. The reason is, when in this position, she can use both hands resting on the bath tub. You also have the opportunity to penetrate sensitive areas of the him from behind.

To simplify your action, you can simplify the steps with the help of a mirror. While enjoying the lovemaking session, you can see the face of an increasingly aroused partner.

Shower sex

Enjoy the romance scene in the shower is the fun part. You can enjoy the hottest sex activities by choosing the position of standing on one leg, while the other leg pair waist.

A touch can make a couple more sensual excitement in your delinquency to sexual satisfaction guarantee. In closing the sweet you can end this session with a partner's body soap. Legal

In addition to the latest sex tips "Outstanding Ternikmat sex in the Bathroom", you can also try the latest tips to get sexual satisfaction or pleasure to know the top female sexuality.

Chocolate Caramel Cake Recipe

Material 1:

     * 460 gr sugar
     * 100 gr water
     * 6 egg yolks
     * 6 egg whites item

material 2:

     * 140 gr flour
     * 60 g cocoa powder
     * 100 grams butter, melted


     * 50 grams sugar
     * 6 egg yolks
     * 500 ml of liquid milk


     * Heat up to 300 gr sugar becomes caramel, pour water and stir until thick
     * Pour into a heat resistant bowl beroles butter

     * Mix all ingredients and stir until sugar dissolves.
     * Pour into the caramel and then the team in the oven until cooked.


     * Shake 100 gr granulated sugar and egg yolks until fluffy.
     * Beat the 60 grams of sugar and egg whites then mix well
     * Add two ingredients, mix well and pour onto the custard.
     * Bake in the fire on for 20 minutes.
     * Lift and then baked again under fire for 10 minutes.
     * Garnish with fresh fruit pieces.
     * Serve

Pudding Recipe - Pudding Recipe Avocado


     * 850 cc of cow's milk
     * 250 gr sugar
     * 2 packs for that (try the white)
     * 2 pcs avocado, take the meat course
     * 100 cc hot water
     * 1 SDK cocoa pasta


     * Roughly chop the avocado
     * Cook the sugar, in order for it to boil beef and sus
     * Remove and stir stirring constantly, add the chopped avocado and mix well
     * If you are a little cold, put the dough into the pasta mocca
     * Pour in a mold that has been moistened with water before.
     * Chill
     * If you have hardened, cut into pieces and serve

  good luck

Cake Recipes - Chocolate Pudding Recipe


     * 100 gr chocolate powder
     * 1 1 / 2 liter of fresh milk
     * 200 gr sugar
     * 2 packets of agar - white powder
     * 4 eggs yolk (beaten)


     * Dissolve the cocoa powder with a little milk.
     * Cook the remaining milk with sugar and Facebook - for powder.
     * Add chocolate solution into it, cook until boiling.
     * Take a little dough and pour the milk into the beaten egg, mix well.
     * Pour the mixture back into the milk, boil until boiling.
     * Remove and stir - stir until the steam is lost.
     * Pour into a mold that has been soaked in water.
     * Allow it to harden, store in refrigerator.
     * Serve the pudding in a cold state ..

safely enjoy